Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I don't know if anybody will read anything I have to say or not. If you do, welcome to my world. A little bit about me:

I am a retired officer from the U.S. Army. From 1962 to 1992 I served my country under 7 different presidents, all of whom I respected deeply. I am a veteran of the Vietnam War.

Since retiring from the Army in 1992 I have resided with my wife, Maggie, in Cocoa Beach, Florida. We have 4 children and 9 grandchildren scattered across several states. We enjoy spending time with our kids and grandkids whenever possible.

In addition to our kids, we are strong advocates against abortion as we believe every child is a gift from God. Ours certainly were although we often thought otherwise when they acted out! My wife devotes 20 hours a week to caring for women at a local crisis pregnancy center. I also spend about 10 hours a week there. We have also sponsored children from Africa and Asia through several Christian outreach ministries. If you'd like more information you can email me.

My wife and I are also active in our church. We each lead a weekly Bible Study in our home. Once a month we travel to the Orlando area and attend services at St. Andrews Chapel. Check it out if you're in town.

That is more than enough about me for now. I hope you find something worthwhile in your time here. May God bless you with every blessing in Christ Jesus.

1 comment:

Ron said...


Welcome to the blogging world! Feel free to come over to my blog as well. It seems we share some things in common - both former military, both Christians. It seems we differ on the issue of presidential candidate, but how boring would the world be if we all believed the exact same things? I am curious to hear some of your reasons for supporting a man with no military experience to be our Commander in Chief. I think we have seen the consequences when that occurs. I also have a radio talk show called "Breaking the Silence." Our web site is www.bt-silence.com. Check it out and feel free to leave questions or comments.
